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Pet Care

Your Dog's Health

A dog owner should think like a Boy Scout when it comes to maintaining their canine companion's health - always be prepared. We'll not only help you get prepared but to stay there as well.

If you're not worried about having a veterinarian picked out for your dog prior to its arrival or at least prior to when you need one, you really should reconsider your position. We'll explain why and we'll provide you with information on how to start the selection process as well as how to bring it to a successful conclusion.

As a responsible pet owner, you should also give some thought to the topic of spaying and neutering your dog. If you're hesitant or unconcerned, we'll provide you with a number of reasons to work through your concerns and to gain an appreciation as to why every dog owner should consider "fixing" Fido or Fifi.

To help keep Fido and Fifi in good shape, we'll give you a variety of tips to meet their fitness needs. Whether you're an indoor or outdoor person, we'll tell you some unique ways to get in on the exercise action.

To ensure that your dog's greatest amount of physical energy isn't spent itching fleas, we'll also discuss the options at your disposal to keep such pests as fleas and ticks at paws length. You'll be given medicated product options as well as "natural" ones.

Spend time preparing and your chances of having a dog-related medical crisis, reproductive disorder, weight issue, or flea and tick infestation will be greatly reduced. Trust us when we say this - you'll be very glad that you did.

Our Top Articles

How to Choose a Veterinarian
Tips for choosing your dog's doctor

What You Need To Know About Spaying and Neutering
Why it's so important to have your dog spayed or neutered

Things You Can Do To Keep Your Dog In Shape
Tips to keep Fido physically fit

Dogs and Flea/Tick Control Products
Options available and tips on how to make a wise choice

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